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How are ghosts and computer simulations related to our universe?

What if everything around is not real? Imagine for a second that the planet on which we live, the solar system, our galaxy and, ultimately, the entire universe, which we consider to be infinite, are really nothing more than a simulation. I understand it sounds pretty crazy, but some scientists do not exclude that the Universe can really be modeled, and all of us are nothing more than avatars. Moreover, reports of such phenomena as ghosts, strange coincidences and deja vu can be the same “malfunction in the matrix” - the final proof that humanity is actually a kind of scientific experiment in which everything is modeled. Like the computer game The Sims, only on a much larger scale.

Even the most incredible scenarios cannot be ruled out.

Computer Universe

For the first time, the idea that our entire Universe is notmore than a simulation, it was put forward in a scientific article by the Swedish professor of philosophy at Oxford University and the director of the Institute for the Future of Humanity, Nick Bostrom. According to a paper published in the 2003 journal Philosophical Quaterly, there is a very high probability that we live in computer simulations.

Institute of the Future of Humanity founded at Oxford University in 2005, and the main focus of research is to study the possibility of a global catastrophe in the future and its impact on humanity.

    In an abstract to his work, Bostrom argues that at least one of the three statements is true:</ p>
  • Humanity is likely to die out before we become posthuman (a hypothetical image of man in the future).
  • It is highly unlikely that any posthuman civilization will simulate its evolutionary history (or its variations).
  • We almost certainly live in computer simulations.

From this, the philosopher claims, it follows that faith inthe fact that there is a significant chance that we will one day become the pro-humans who control the modeling of our ancestors is false, unless we currently live in a simulation. The Bostrom idea - although the latter claims to not watch the movie “The Matrix” - fell on fertile soil. So, according to the head of SpaceX, Ilon Mask, the probability that we do not live in computer simulations is a billion to one. With Mask and Bostr, TechWire writes, Kerry Guinn, a computer scientist, agreed. He suggests that in the future, humanity can develop simulations of its own universe.

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As Guinn explains, humanity is inevitablewill create realities indistinguishable from ours. Look at what successes the developers of video games have achieved - what seemed impossible only some 10-15 years ago, today is perceived by us as the norm. In addition, in games such as Death Stranding and Red Dead Redemption 2, a completely open world - this means that the player can move as he wants in absolutely any location. Bostrom also believes that in the near future computer games will be extremely difficult to distinguish from reality. According to the philosopher, characters within games may not be aware that they are part of a simulation. So we will come to the stage when we can create computer simulations of reality indistinguishable from the present.

Failure in the Matrix looks like this

So, let's say the hypothesis is true and our life onactually a simulation. But can we somehow find out if we are part of a massive, life-mimic game? Guinn believes that the first thing you need to pay attention to is a system crash. Yes, yes, just like in the movie "The Matrix", when Neo sees the same cat passing along the corridor. All sorts of oddities, psychics, ghosts and everything that does not exist scientifically can be errors in the code, thereby “malfunctioning in the matrix”. Thus, if we are on the path to creating a matrix, then it has probably already been created by a more developed society. For example, we ourselves.

And again, quantum physics

As you probably know, Albert was onceEinstein opposed quantum entanglement — the ability of atoms and electrons to influence each other’s properties even at a distance. Today we know that Einstein was wrong and confusion is real. Moreover, according to quantum theory, an elementary particle acquires a certain state only at the time of observation. Not to mention the fact that scientists were able to experimentally prove, using a single photon, that it exists in three places at the same time. Read more about why quantum physics is so strange and why charlatans love it so much, read in our material. But what if quantum entanglement exists on a human scale, thus creating the connection between the creatures in the simulations and ... us?

From the point of view of ghost science does not exist

Of course, this is a dizzying hypothesis. Like many others, for example, the existence of parallel worlds. However, ghosts and all kinds of paranormal phenomena are most likely not a glitch in the matrix, but an illusion skillfully created by our brain. In addition, there is no evidence in favor of the existence of extrasensory abilities, ghosts, demons and magicians. And do you think our universe is a computer simulation? Let's talk about this in the comments and with the members of our Telegram chat. There you will definitely find someone you like.

You will be interested: Are there parallel worlds?

Well, in general, on the topic of whether ourThe universe of computer simulation, I want to say the following - this is an incredibly interesting but still, dubious hypothesis. You can find out what different scientists think about this subject by watching a fascinating debate, in which astrophysicist Neil Degrass Tyson acted as a moderator - I recommend it for viewing.