
Disney made an adorable robot based on Star Wars (video)

Disney presented at the IEEE conferenceIROS in Detroit of its new robot. Its design was clearly inspired by BD-1 from the adventure game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which tells the story of the young Jedi Cal Kestis.

Like the game BD-1, the real robota rather compact, square body with a pair of stocky bird-like legs, a flat head with eyes and a flashlight. The face is capable of a wide range of articulation, which is where much of the charm of the Disney creation comes into play. For example, when the robot is interested in something, it tilts its head, and its antennas can rotate, imitating the movements of a dog's ears.

The robot also has built-in microphones thatreact to a person’s voice, and cameras that record gestures, facial expressions and the mood of the people around them. It works on the basis of neural networks, which makes it trainable. It is likely that the robot can be found in the company's theme parks.