
Plants learned to recognize chemicals and survive on Mars

Plants have a complex structure, and inside themVarious processes are constantly taking place - if desired, they can be turned into tools for performing various technical tasks. For example, due to their tendency to absorb water and molecules dissolved in it, scientists can use them as chemical sensors, or make them suitable for growth in the harsh conditions of Mars. Recently, researchers at the University of Melbourne demonstrated a completely new way of turning plants into technological tools.

Previously, scientists have already managed to createnanobionic plants capable of producing energy and even detecting explosives. To do this, they used carbon nanotubes, but in a new study, scientists decided to try a completely different class of materials - metal-organic framework structures (MOF).

They consist of metal ions and organicmolecules, and have a crystalline form. They are considered ideal for carbon capture, as well as filtration of water and various chemicals. Unfortunately, the frame structures are too large to penetrate inside the plants, but the researchers made them form right inside the plant.

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To do this, they put the plant parts in the water, inwhich were dissolved components of the MOF. Having penetrated inside the plants in the process of water absorption, the elements merged into full-fledged structures, and proved their efficiency. For example, they gave plants access to more light for photosynthesis and began to protect them from ultraviolet radiation.

All of these properties can be extremely beneficial.when a man begins to colonize Mars and decides to grow a crop on it. According to researcher Joseph Richardson, this way you can even grow crops.

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