
Fitbit unveils Inspire 3, Versa 4 and Sense 2 lineup of wearables

Fitbit, a Google-owned brand, has unveiled a line of new wearables, the Inspire 3, Versa 4, and Sense 2. Fitness tracker

The Inspire 3 is an entry-level device withautonomy up to 10 days of work. He has a bright color display, it can track the main parameters of physical activity. The Versa 4 is a fitness-focused smartwatch that can track over 40 different exercises, has built-in GPS, and can last up to 6 days on a single charge. Sense 2 is an advanced smart watch that provides detailed control over the state of physical parameters. For example, they can monitor ECG, heart rate variability, measure stress, record blood oxygen saturation, and track many more well-being parameters. They are also capable of working up to 6 days on a single charge. All new items give access to the Fitbit Premium app for six months. This application provides the user with advanced tools to control training statistics and help in achieving sports goals.