"It is interesting"

Was our universe born in a laboratory?

How did the universe come into existence?We know that the Big Bang took place about 14 billion years ago, making our existence possible. The world is amazing and it is unlikely that we will ever be able to give away all its secrets. But we will try to do it and take into account even the craziest assumptions. For example, about the multi-world interpretation, according to which our Universe is not the only one of its kind, but only a grain of sand in the boundless sea of ​​the Multiverses. This assumption naturally follows from quantum mechanics, but there is no proof of the existence of the Multiverse to date. As well as the possibility of time travel (which, by the way, quantum particles succeed), otherwise we knew about it. Some scientists, such as Professor Avi Loeb of Harvard University, do not exclude at all that our world was created in a laboratory. But if this is true, then who needed such a "toy"?

Are we living in a computer simulation and how do we know?

Laboratory experiment

Let's imagine that our world iscomputer simulation. Like, for example, in one of the Rick and Morty series, where the main character created a tiny Universe, inside of which there was another one, and then another and another. And if in the cartoon Rick's goal was to produce energy, then could something similar happen to us?

And if so, what is the purpose of our "simulation"?Who conceived it and why? Perhaps our world was designed like a Sims game for fun. In any case, this is such a crazy idea that few people take it seriously. However, the former chair of the department of astronomy at Harvard University, Professor Ali Loeb, ventured to take the laboratory universe seriously.

Avi Loeb suggests that in space you need to look not for aliens, but for their technology

“In an article for Scientific American, he suggeststhat the universe could have been formed in a laboratory by an "advanced technological civilization". If this is true, then the story of the origin of the universe will combine the religious idea of ​​a creator with the theory of quantum gravity and quantum tunneling,” writes Loeb.

More on the topic: Simulation or reality? Physicists believe that the universe is capable of self-learning

Civilization classes

In the article, Loeb focuses on the classificationcivilizations in terms of technological development, referring our civilization to class C - that is, a civilization whose life depends on the Sun, our native star. Now imagine that if (and when) our technology advances to the point that we can become independent of the Sun, then we will rise to a higher level - class B.

And if we learn to create our ownpocket universes in the lab (like our theoretical creators), then we'll get closer to the final - class A. Of course, there are many obstacles in our way, and the biggest one is our inability to create "a large enough density of dark energy in a small region."

Someday our planet will become uninhabitable. But if our world is a simulation, anything is possible

Another interesting thing is that Loeb's suggestion actually solves a couple of different problems with both scientific and religious explanations for the beginning of the universe and the emergence of life.

Trying to imagine that there arehierarchies of species or civilizations that could create this kind of scientific phenomenon - we understand that there is a long way to go. According to the professor, we are classified as "class C" because of the attachment to the sun. Moreover, we are moving towards class D, as we are actually killing the place where we live.

The next step is Class B, a group that doesn't need star energy at all, but has developed energy sources sufficient to survive. Class A is a group that hypothetically created our universe in the laboratory. The one that could explain quantum tunneling and use it to create pocket universes.

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Reality or illusion?

It should be noted that the laboratory creationThe universe is different from the theory of modeling its existence. In this case, we are simply living in a digital construct created by a program far beyond our comprehension. Think about The Matrix (but not the fourth part, but the first). What if we're just living in a programmed reality designed to replicate "reality", does that matter to our daily lives?

Probably not, but such reflections are useful.We must allow ourselves to humbly look into powerful new telescopes and look for someone intelligent in our space block. Otherwise, this journey may end badly, similar to the experience of the dinosaurs that dominated the Earth until the Chicxulub asteroid destroyed all life.

Is it still simulation or reality?

But what to do with the information that ourIs the universe nothing more than a laboratory creation? This is quite good for our current situation. After all, if there is someone else in the Universe besides us, will we be able to detect them? It is unlikely, because we are far behind potentially existing intelligent civilizations. Still, Loeb believes we need to be on the lookout for these technologically advanced worlds.

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Ultimately, understanding their existence canhelp us understand the reason why we exist. But this story is surprising and convincing at the same time, and also a little scary - if you believe Loeb's previous theories, then we are most likely not the only applicants for class A status. Do you think the British astronomer is right? Could our whole life be a computer game? We will wait for the answer here, as well as in the comments to this article.