
Scientists have created a printer for printing medical patches with vaccines

Scientists at MIT have developed an innovative vaccine patch printer that could revolutionize the way vaccinations are done.

So, if traditional methods of vaccination require complex equipment, a large number of vaccines and qualified specialists, the new printer greatly simplifies the procedure.

The latest tool allows the creation of patches with microneedles filled with drugs, which can be used in the fight against coronavirus and other diseases.

Microneedles easily and painlessly penetrate the skin,deliver the drug to the body and then dissolve. Unlike conventional vaccines, which must be used within hours of thawing, vaccine patches can be stored at room temperature for several months.

Scientists conducted a series of tests on lab rats and found that a COVID-19 drug delivered via a patch elicited the same immune response as a traditionally administered vaccine.

At the same time, the printer is able to create hundreds of doses of vaccines per day, which can be useful in regions with outbreaks of diseases where a quick response of medical personnel is required.