Research, Technology

The main personality traits that all millionaires have

In 2020 the Swiss bank Credit Suisseshared that there are about 56 million dollar millionaires in the world. Most of them live in the USA, China and Japan - in other countries there are much less of them. It is worth recognizing that the goal of life for most people is financial wealth. Many people want to have a huge house with a swimming pool, a garage with several cars and a housekeeper. But only a limited number of people can achieve this goal, because for this you need to have certain personality traits that can lead to financial success. Recently, German scientists studied the results of surveys among 2,000 rich people and identified four characteristics that each of them has. It is assumed that if ordinary people improve these traits in themselves, they too will be more likely to become millionaires.

What do you think, what character traits do you need to have in order to become rich?

What does it take to be rich?

Data on the personality traits of millionaires was takenfrom the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) database, which is a random sample of the German population. In 2019, information about more than two thousand rich people was added to the database. To date, according to open sources, SOEP questionnaires are filled out by 1,100 people whose personal net worth is an average of four million euros. According to researcher Carsten Schroder, the existence of such a database makes it possible to reliably analyze this very small group of financially successful people.

Scientists have identified personality traits that help to easily earn big money

As a result of data analysis, it was found that most millionaires have the following personality traits:

  • they are comfortable with risks;
  • are emotionally stable;
  • open to new experiences;
  • distinguished by conscientiousness;
  • extroverts with many friends and acquaintances.

It is worth emphasizing that these personality traits are usuallyfound only in people who have achieved wealth on their own. We are talking about those who started their business from scratch and made many mistakes on the way to wealth, but did not give up. But in people who got rich simply by receiving a large inheritance, such traits are much less common.

Sometimes people get rich just by getting a big inheritance

Why not be afraid of risk and failure?

The authors of the scientific work believe that the obtainedthe results can help ordinary people achieve financial success. There is an assumption that the more closely the character of a person corresponds to the received “profile of a typical millionaire”, the faster he will earn big money.

The results of the study show that personality is an important factor in the accumulation of monetary wealth, - explained SOEP researcher Johannes Konig (Johannes Konig).

Professor is of the same opinion.psychological diagnostics Mitya Back (Mitja Back). According to him, the study of the personality traits of millionaires is of great importance, because they earn a lot of money by making risky decisions. In theory, openness to new experiences, having a large number of acquaintances, emotional stability, and other factors listed above also greatly contribute to the accumulation of personal capital.

Scientists believe that rich people are particularly risky

See also: How does Elon Musk work 120 hours a week and not get tired?

How do people get rich?

It is worth adding that sometimes in order to gainwealth also needs to actively follow trends. In 2021, I talked about how Chinese farmers are using TikTok to better sell their products. The most successful of them was Jin Guowei, who was originally a heavily indebted man, but then was able to earn $ 46 million. Once he, who took the pseudonym "Brother Pomegranate", managed to earn a whole million in just 20 minutes of a live broadcast. You can read about other Chinese farmers who got rich thanks to the short video service in this material.

Chinese blogger "Brother Pomegranate"

In some cases, people acquire wealth, evenwithout making any effort for this, they receive luxurious houses and fabulous money by inheritance. Sometimes the rich do not find worthy heirs and leave all their savings to their pets. One such lucky cat is Blackie, who received $25 million from his owner in 1988. It is important to note that leaving an inheritance to your dog or cat is easy only in the USA, but in Russia things are much more complicated.