
Apple T2 Security Chip Has Fatal Vulnerability

First Apple T2 Security Chipwas presented at the presentation of the iMac Pro in 2017. The Apple hardware chip, according to the developers, is involved in the password storage system, is used as a hardware encryption controller and regulates many internal processes of computer systems running macOS. However, a vulnerability was recently identified in the T2 chip that allows hackers to gain root access to devices by bypassing the chip's protection.

The vulnerability was identified and reported by an independentcybersecurity expert Niels H. The description of the problem notes that devices with Intel processors and T2 Security Chips can be vulnerable to attackers using a form of iOS jailbreak.

It is noted that the Apple T2 Security Chip is actuallyis based on Apple A10, and therefore vulnerable to the checkm8 exploit affecting all iOS devices. This allows attackers to bypass Activation Blocks and carry out other malicious attacks. Root access, meanwhile, can only be obtained by connecting via USB Type-C. As a result, the hacker is able to bypass the remote device lock function and gain access to the user's passwords.

The problem was reported Apple, however, the company is in no hurry to answer. According to experts, it is currently impossible to fix the vulnerability at the software level. However, the vulnerability mechanism itself provides for the need for physical contact with the device. Therefore, to eliminate the possibility of bypassing the protection of the Apple T2 Security Chip, the user must restrict access to the device to strangers and not connect to unknown devices.

Source: appleinsider