Research, Technology

A loud sound is heard in the Pacific Ocean: is it a natural phenomenon or a huge monster?

In 1997, scientists were studying underwatervolcanoes in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Among their many instruments, they had underwater microphones, which were developed by the US military and were located more than 300 kilometers apart. Unexpectedly for scientists, they recorded the loudest sound ever recorded underwater. The noise was low-frequency and lasted about one minute - experts could not figure out the reason for its origin and gave it the name "Bloop". There were many assumptions, the researchers even believed that a sea creature unknown to science could make a sound. The origin of the mysterious sound haunted scientists for many years, and over time, the mystery was solved. So what is it, a natural phenomenon or a huge monster?

A rumble is heard in the depths of the ocean, and scientists did not know for a long time what it was

Mysterious underwater sounds

The mysterious sound was recorded by the researchersfrom the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Previously, you may have heard about the sound of "Bloop" - at least, my colleague Artem Sutyagin mentioned it in an article about mystical noises under water. However, some details about this phenomenon are still unknown to many people. Let's fill this knowledge gap.

You can listen to the sound of "Bloop" in this video

Monster in the depths of the ocean

For many years, the origin of loud sound in the depths of the Pacific Ocean remained a mystery to scientists. Researchers heard this for the first time, so anything could be assumed.

As you know, today the depths of the oceansstudied worse than space - it is possible that this noise was made by a creature unknown to science. This version still seems very intriguing, because many would like to know that huge animals live on our planet, which are usually described in science fiction books and films. At first, such news could please people, but then we would certainly be horrified, because a huge creature can cause disasters.

Scientists believed that only a creature larger than a blue whale could make such a loud sound.

According to scientists, if the sound "Bloop" issuedunknown creature, it must be larger than the blue whale - this is the largest modern animal and, perhaps, the heaviest living creature that has ever lived on Earth. Interestingly, the sound came from a place that is located 2000 kilometers from the habitat of the mythical Cthulhu, the sea monster, about which the king of horror stories Howard Lovecraft wrote.

The sound of "Bloop" is definitely not Cthulhu

Probably conspiracy theorists stillbelieve in the version of an underwater monster in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. And what, can it really be some kind of reptilian? In addition to this assumption, there is a version about testing a secret weapon. This legend, most likely, is also very popular with fans of conspiracies.

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Melting glaciers make loud noises

Versions about a huge monster and a secret weaponsounds interesting, but the reality is much more boring. The mystery of the mysterious sound in the Pacific Ocean began to unravel in 2005, when scientists began conducting acoustic studies of Antarctic waters off the coast of South America. Over the next six years, the researchers collected data and heard several more similar to "Bloop" sounds. Comparing their nature, the approximate location of the source and other properties, scientists came to the conclusion that glaciers are the source of the loud sound.

It was found that every year in the depths of the oceantens of thousands of so-called "icequakes" occur - due to mechanical action and melting, the ice cracks and breaks off from huge glaciers. In this case, a strong roar arises, which can even be compared with an explosion. Sound waves can travel many kilometers and be detected by scientific equipment.

The sound of breaking glaciers is like an explosion

Based on this, it turns out that "Bloop" isthe sound of cracking ice. According to scientists, the source of underwater noise in 1997 was a cracked iceberg, which was located between the Antarctic Bransfield Strait and the Ross Sea.

In 2022, scientists increasingly report meltingglaciers. Therefore, most likely, such sounds in ocean waters are heard with more regularity than before. Relatively recently, my colleague Lyubov Sokovikova spoke about the fact that the glaciers of East Antarctica began to disappear from the face of the Earth. This is fraught with consequences, and we are talking not only about noises under water, everything is much more serious.

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Summing up, we can say that many mysteriousphenomena like "Bloop" have a not very interesting explanation - there are no huge monsters. The same goes for mysticism, because all these ghost stories can be explained in terms of science. We have a good article on this topic, be sure to read it.