
Printed the world's first 3D-heart of human cells (9 photos + video)

3D printing technologies have penetrated the fieldconstruction, electronics and even went into space orbit. From now on, it became possible, using innovative technology, to create an artificial heart using a 3D printer. As a result of an experiment conducted by scientists at Tel Aviv University, the first 3D-heart was created using the human biological material.

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The created heart completely repeats the original: there are chambers, ventricles, vessels and cells. Previous studies allowed the creation of only tissues that were not “equipped” with vessels of the circulatory system. The heart was also printed from silicone, but this material is not 100% taken by the human body during organ donation.

For the basis of the "ink" 3D-printer in a patient bybiopsies took part of the fatty tissue. Cellular material became the basis for a three-dimensional heart created later. Now the first artificial 3D-heart is small, the size of a rabbit's heart, and its muscles can only contract.

In the near future, scientists promise to create3D-heart, fully performing all the work of the human heart. The size of the body will also be increased depending on the physiological parameters of the patient. The first experiments on the implantation of a 3D heart will be carried out on animals. Scientists at Tel Aviv University suggest that the first commercial 3D printers to create human organs in a similar way will appear in 10 years.
