
Youtuber crashed the car and checked the Crash Detection function on the iPhone 14 Pro

American YouTuber TechRax decided to test the advertised Crash Detection feature on

smartphone iPhone 14 Pro.He approached the matter with all thoroughness: he took a smartphone, put it in the car and made a real accident (everything happened on a special site, so no one was hurt). The whole process was filmed by the author. The test results confirmed the declared functionality of Crash Detection: 10 seconds after the collision, the iPhone 14 Pro would make an emergency call to the rescue service, but the blogger canceled it. Now owners of iPhone 14 smartphones can experience another reason to be proud.

Let's add that the Crash Detection function receivesinformation from the accelerometer, gyroscope, barometer, GPS sensor and microphone. After the accident is established, the iPhone 14 automatically calls the emergency services. Unfortunately, this feature only works in the US and Canada.