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Why is using a free VPN risky?

After March 14, app stores fixeda surge in interest in downloading VPN services. A number of mobile service providers have already experienced problems with the speed of Internet access due to the large number of subscribers using VPN. Many of these applications are free and unreliable.

How does VPN technology work?
Before talking about vulnerabilities,it is necessary to understand how this technology works, which is gaining more and more popularity every day. A VPN is a so-called "encrypted tunnel" between a user and a server. The server authorizes the user, that is, grants the right to perform certain actions, such as reading mail, surfing the Internet, etc. Your device has an IP address provided by your ISP, the VPN server changes your IP to its own, and from the VPN server all data is transferred to external resources that you are interested in.

Reference: VPNVirtual Private Network - virtual private network) is an encrypted user connection to the network, with which he maintains confidentiality and can bypass local restrictions.

Free app: what's the catch?
However, when using, remember thatall information is encrypted. Different VPN services may differ in such characteristics as the degree of encryption, hiding the fact of connecting to the server, storing logs, and cooperating when issuing information to third parties. Moreover, the transfer of data to third parties is the main type of income for VPN services that provide their services “for free”.

What else is potentially dangerous free VPN?
In addition to sharing information with third parties, there are several other reasons why it is dangerous to use free VPNs.

• Embedding ads.It's not uncommon for free VPNs to embed their banner ads into your "encrypted tunnel". Where a careless click on a random banner can lead is unknown, but the user may encounter both fraudulent schemes and openly viral software.

• Break connection.Periodic disconnection of the VPN connection, sudden release of traffic to the public network. Often you may not notice a disconnection and data leakage, and the VPN connection may not be restored automatically, which is very inconvenient.

• Viral activity.On the Internet, there are often pseudo-VPN services that actually only imitate the operation of a VPN, but in fact infect your device with virus software. In the vast majority of cases, these are free programs.

Source: Press Release Roskachestvo