
Why is it better to leave the phone in the locker room when playing sports

Researchers studied how to usesmartphone for talking and textual communication interferes with physical exercise. They came to the conclusion that for those people who speak on a smartphone or carry out text communication with it in the process of performing physical exercises, the intensity of training decreases. In particular, scientists have studied the use of a smartphone during classes on a treadmill: it was during this exercise that connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle most often turn to their smart devices.

Researchers under the kent programThe College of Education and Human Health came to the conclusion that when people use their smartphones in the process of doing exercises, talking on the phone or texting, this leads to a decrease in exercise intensity.

Reduced intensity, as determined, reduces the benefits of exercise for health, as well as the results of these exercises.

This study involved 44students who performed four 30-minute exercise sessions on a treadmill. The researchers evaluated the effects of the most common functions of smartphones, such as playing music, voice telephony and text messaging, and monitored the state when students did not have access to their smartphones.

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How does a smartphone affect exercise

During each session, the estimated average speedtreadmill, heart rate and enjoyment. The study showed that, compared with the state typical for training without a smartphone, the three functions of a smartphone - music, voice communication and textual correspondence in different degrees affect the course of the exercises.

Using the smartphone exclusively forplaying music increases the average speed of running on a treadmill, heart rate and the pleasure to complete the exercise. Voice communication increases the pleasure and heart rate, but decreases the speed. A textual correspondence reduces both speed and heart rate, but does not affect the pleasure of physical exertion.

It turned out that listening to music and to a lesserThe degree of voice communication can increase the duration and frequency of exercise, due to its ability to increase pleasure. Of course, if the time allotted for the exercise is limited, it turns out that it is better to avoid voice communication on the smartphone during the planned exercise.

At the same time, scientists did not find any advantages of text communication in the process of doing exercises.

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Most people say that they do little.exercise due to time constraints. However, in this case, the research done indicates that the smartphone should not be used for voice and text communication, since both of these classes can potentially reduce the effectiveness of fitness classes. If you want to get more benefits and achieve improvement in your workouts, leave your smartphone in a closed room and enjoy the music, for example, from the player.

Conventional media players still exist and do notlost their relevance. Their new and quite attractive models are being released, although the times of the extraordinary popularity of devices in this category are already in the past, thanks to smart phones for which playing music is just one of their many functions.

What positive and negative properties of using smartphones in the process of physical exertion, besides those already considered, could you name? Tell us in the comments and in our Telegram-chat.