
What will happen to the snake if it is bitten by another snake?

I think it’s not worth explaining what mighthappen to a person with a bite of a poisonous snake, since many have heard about the unpleasant consequences of such an event. But what happens if a snake bites another snake? According to official science, snakes usually do not attack each other. The exception is snakes that feed on similar individuals. Although cannibalism among snakes is a rather rare occurrence, ophiophagy (this is what snake feeding is called) was seen among all known cobras.

It is reliably known that the so-called cabe cobra has the most bloodthirsty disposition for its own species, attacking mainly during the mating period.

Snakes are immune to their own poison.

Despite the sometimes unpredictable behavior,snakes have a rather convenient feature for survival - most of them have innate immunity to their own poisons. It is understandable: if they hadn’t of such a quality, most snakes would have died at a very young age, accidentally biting themselves while hunting. Perhaps this is why nature has taken care of a special substance in the blood of the same vipers that can repel external toxins.

Also interesting: A new species of snake has been discovered that can attack without even opening its mouth.

However, not all have such natural protection.species of reptiles. It is known that rattlesnakes have lost this very convenient feature, which has led to the fact that this type of snake tries not to use poisonous teeth in fights with relatives.

Despite the formidable appearance, snakes can easily fall in battle with their own kind

In addition, most snakes do not have anyprotection from poisons produced by their relatives. So, it is known that a small but very poisonous snake efa can kill a gyurza with its poison, and the cobra already mentioned above can easily deal with any of its opponents with the help of a paralyzing poison.

Also interesting: Last summer, a snake with two heads was found. What happened to her next?

However, the main snake feature is poisonous.teeth, although a formidable weapon, but at the same time a rather vulnerable spot of the animal. Firstly, such teeth break easily, and secondly, with an annual molt, snakes lose their teeth along with old skin!

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