Research, Technology

Threat 2022: what is cholera and how dangerous is it for life

The history of our species is the history of war.We humans fight each other all the time, but our main enemy is viruses and bacteria. It was diseases, not generals and emperors, that determined the course of history. Thus, Attila, Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan fell victim to malaria, which were carried by mosquitoes. The Roman Empire is also indebted to these small insects, which bit their sworn enemy Hannibal and a large part of his army. During the First World War, influenza and pneumonia claimed many more lives than all the hostilities. History once again shows us the painful truth: a single stomach infection, the flu, dysentery or cholera, can stop an entire army without firing a single shot.

cholera under the microscope


  • 1 Diseases and conflicts
  • 2 Portrait of a killer - cholera
  • 3 Symptoms of cholera
  • 4 Treatment and prevention of cholera

Diseases and conflicts

Scientific progress has led mankind to victory overthe most terrible diseases. This victory has allowed us to become the dominant species of living beings on the planet, and in the foreseeable future, the eight billionth inhabitant of the Earth will be born. During this time, we have become accustomed to comfort and a measured life, so much so that a huge number of people in the world do not trust either scientists or the vaccines and medicines they have created.

In fact, on our planet there is not and never wasa single day without hostilities - the neighbor's grass, apparently, is always greener. But where people fight each other, a third force comes into play. The destruction of cities during hostilities turns the territory into a real hotbed of all kinds of infections. Lack of infrastructure and pollution are unleashing our invisible enemies.

Bacteria and viruses pose a serious threat around the world

Poor air circulation in roomsunsanitary conditions, lack of drinking water (including for washing) and limited access to hygiene products and equipment can lead to a real humanitarian disaster.

However, military conflict is not alwayscauses outbreaks of deadly diseases. The Ganges River in India, for example, is considered the birthplace of dysentery, cholera and other sores that no one wants to face.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic is not going toretreat, she reminded the astonished audience to wash hands, disinfect surfaces, wear face masks and maintain social distancing. It is not difficult for residents of megacities to fulfill all these recommendations, provided that they have access to clean water and hygiene products. Otherwise, the risk of spreading infections, which we remember mainly in history lessons, increases.

You can read about how and why malaria vectors changed the course of history here. Knowledge is the head of everything.

Portrait of a killer - cholera

Among the diseases regularly circulating inplanet, cholera occupies a special place. For example, earlier this year, an unprecedented increase in cholera infections was recorded in Karachi, resulting in hundreds of children and adults being admitted to hospitals. Why, outbreaks of cholera in different regions of the planet occur throughout our history.

Cholera - acute diarrheal infection caused by ingestionfood or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. This disease is a threat to public health in the 21st century. The researchers note that cholera outbreaks are also indicative of inequality and lack of social development.

Cholera poses a serious threat to global health

According to experts, in the world every yearaccounts for between 1.3 and 4.0 million cases of cholera and 21,000 to 143,000 deaths from cholera, according to the website of the World Health Organization (WHO)

Being extremely dangerous and contagiousdisease, cholera causes severe diarrhea. The bacterium Vibrio cholerae infects children and adults, and its greatest danger is death within a few hours after infection. Death occurs if the patient has not received any treatment.

You can read even more interesting articles about dangerous infections on our channel in Yandex.Zen - articles that are not on the site are regularly published there

Symptoms of cholera

So, the majority of those infected with cholera do notno symptoms develop, although the bacteria are present in the feces for 1-10 days after infection. When they get back into the environment, they have the potential to infect more and more people.

Once in the human body, the bacterium Vibriocholerae presents with mild or moderate symptoms. At the same time, a small percentage of those infected develop acute diarrhea and severe dehydration. If no action is taken, death is inevitable.

The study of infectious diseases and pathogens is the most important prevention of possible epidemics

Interesting fact
In the 19th century, cholera spread around the world from its original reservoir in the Ganges Delta in India. Six subsequent pandemics claimed the lives of millions of people on all continents.

Symptoms of cholera include diarrhea, notstopping vomiting, muscle cramps, cyanosis, excruciating thirst, headache and cyanosis. The incubation (hidden) period can range from several hours to 5 days, more often 1-2 days. In many cases, the disease begins acutely and requires emergency care.

Treatment and prevention of cholera

At the end of April, Rospotrebnadzor recommendedregions to strengthen preventive measures to prevent the importation and spread of cholera in Russia. Fortunately, modern drugs are effective against Vibrio cholerae, and therapy helps prevent complications. The best way to prevent cholera is vaccination.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is possible to protect against choleraboiled water, disinfected water and bottled water. Clean, disinfected water must be used for drinking, cooking and ice, hygiene and dishwashing.

Access to clean water and food, along with the rules of hygiene, is the best prevention not only for cholera, but also for other intestinal infections.

To disinfect contaminated water, itmust be boiled for one minute (or 3 minutes at a higher temperature) or filtered with disinfectants. Experts also advise avoiding raw foods, such as unpeeled vegetables and fruits, raw or undercooked meats, and unpasteurized milk and dairy products.

Recently, my colleague Ramis Ganiev spoke about the outbreak of "flesh-eating disease" in the United States. You can find out how dangerous it is and why bacteria devour the flesh here.

But what if you get infected? Fortunately, cholera responds well to treatment, but since dehydration can occur quickly, treatment must begin immediately.
The main treatment is hydration.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, treatment willconsist of oral or intravenous solutions to replace lost fluids. At the same time, antibiotics are not part of emergency care in case of a mild course of the disease, experts say.

Cholera is treatable and vaccination prevents infection

To summarize the above, the main measureprevention of cholera is the strict observance of hygiene and isolation of the patient. All persons in contact with the infected are observed for 5 days. Stay healthy, take care of yourself and your loved ones and wash your hands thoroughly. Good hygiene will protect you not only from cholera and intestinal infections, but also from COVID-19.