General, Research, Technology

The most poisonous plants in the world

According to scientists, the first plants appeared onEarth about 2.5 billion years ago. At first they grew under water, and then they began to grow on land. At the moment, there are about 390,900 plant species in the world, but in the remote corners of the planet there are probably varieties that are simply unknown to science. Since many species of animals actively feed on plants, in the course of evolution, some of them have become bright and poisonous. Thanks to these properties, they kind of warn living beings about their danger and thereby save the life of both themselves and others. As part of this article, I invite you to familiarize yourself with the most poisonous plants in the world. We find out exactly where they grow and what happens to living organisms upon contact with them. It seems to be quite interesting.

The photo shows the castor oil plant, which is considered one of the most poisonous plants in the world.


  • 1 The most dangerous plants
  • 2 Milestone poisonous
  • 3 Oleander
  • 4 Aconite
  • 5 Datura
  • 6 Castor oil

The most dangerous plants

Scientists are studying poisonous plantsfor two reasons at once. First, through this, they learn how to treat poisoning. Secondly, knowledge helps them learn new facts about the development of our planet. In addition to all this, some poisonous plants can be beneficial by separating the beneficial substances from the poison. You can verify this by going to the pharmacy, because on the shelves you will surely find medicines based on the juice of poisonous plants.

Belladonna tincture, which is also considered a poisonous plant

Exposure to poisonous plants can beinternal and external. In the first case, we are talking about poisoning, which is accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, headache, hallucinations and even paralysis. In the second case, it is said about skin lesions, which is accompanied by burns, rashes, and so on. Most often, people are poisoned by plants through inattention, because they are usually very similar to their "harmless counterparts". For example, poisonous daffodil bulbs are very similar to onion bulbs.

Milestone poisonous

Poisonous milestone (Cicuta virosa) also known ascat parsley, water rabies and pork lice. This plant grows in Europe, North America and Asian countries, usually in damp places like swamps and river banks. It smells deceivingly of fresh carrots and is difficult to distinguish from other umbellate plants - usually only an experienced botanist can do this. Therefore, when you see the plant shown in the photo below, just walk by and do not touch it. It is not without reason that it is considered one of the most poisonous in the world.

Milestone poisonous

The whole plant is filled with poison, but especiallya lot in the rhizome. It is believed that 100 grams of rhizome is enough to kill a cow. A few minutes after entering the body, the plant causes vomiting, chills in the lower abdomen, dizziness and even froth at the mouth. If you do not immediately wash the stomach, poisoning can lead to death. And the active substance in its poison is cicutoxin, which affects the central nervous system.


The flowering plant oleander (Nerium) is rubbed intotropical regions. It is very beautiful in appearance, so it is actively used in landscape design and even as a houseplant. Despite its bright pink-white flowers and pleasant scent, oleander is highly poisonous and can cause death. The plant itself is safe, but if damaged, dangerous sap, which contains a lot of glycosides, can leak out.


Glycosides are organic compoundswhich can cause heart palpitations, nausea, headaches, and even death. Some sources say that once Napoleon's troops made a fire from oleander branches, not knowing that they are poisonous. Legend has it that half of the soldiers did not wake up in the morning.


Aconite (Aconite), which is also known aswrestler, native to Europe, North America and Asia. This highly poisonous plant has blue, purple and yellow flowers and is therefore often grown in flower beds for decorative purposes. Juice has poisonous properties, which is able to penetrate the body even through the skin. Therefore, touching this plant is highly discouraged.


The juice contains the poison aconitine.It causes itching in various parts of the body, rapid and subsequent slowing of breathing, numbness of the skin of the face and limbs, and irregular heartbeat. In ancient times, the juice of this plant was used to make poison arrows. They can poison bees.

See also: How do plants evolve so that people stop collecting them?


About ordinary dope (Datura stramonium),probably many have heard. It grows not only in North and Central America, but also in Europe and southern regions of Russia. Datura looks like potatoes and tomatoes, which is not surprising, because they are distant relatives. The fruits are capsules with black seeds inside. Flowers have an intoxicating smell, but the biggest danger is of course the seeds.

Datura ordinary

They contain the poison tropane, which causesmuscle spasms, increased pressure inside the eyes, increased heartbeat, and other dire symptoms. For centuries, Datura has been used both as a poison and as a hallucinogen. Shamans used the plant in rituals.

Castor oil plant

Castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) grows in tropicaland temperate zones of our planet. Due to its unusual appearance, it is often grown in pots as a home plant. Castor bean itself is highly poisonous, but the poison can be neutralized by steaming. Castor oil is made from the plant, which is used in technology, as well as in medicine as a laxative. Therefore, it is even considered a medicinal plant.

Castor oil plant

But with all this, castor oil plant can be calledthe most dangerous plant in the world. Its juice contains the poisonous substances ricin and ricinin. Once ingested, they cause vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding and water imbalance. If untreated, death can occur within 7 days. Most of the poison is found in seeds. Even in small doses, poisons do great harm because they destroy body tissues.

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As you can see, on our planet there is a hugethe number of dangerous plants. But I did not mention the most interesting of them in this article, because there is a separate material about him. We are talking about the gimpi-gimpi tree (Dendrocnide moroides), which inflicts terrible pain on everyone who touches it. Victims of this plant can feel something like acid burning and electric shock for several months. You can read more about this terrible tree here. Enjoy reading!