
Thanks to the new smart glass, cameras with face recognition are no longer needed.

Modern smartphones and surveillance camerasuse highly advanced face recognition technology. In this case, the operation of the algorithms always requires, in fact, a camera. More precisely, it was needed because a group of scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison developed smart glass that looks like ... ordinary glass, but it can recognize people, objects, and even handwritten messages using unique technologies. How is this possible?

How the smart glass works

For a start it is worth understanding that at the heart of the worksmart glass does not lie artificial intelligence algorithms like those used in cameras and sensors. At the same time, the glass acts in approximately the same way as the AI ​​would act.

Also interesting: How does face recognition technology work?

Thus, we have a rather interesting approach: introducing artificial intelligence into ordinary and seemingly inconspicuous things.

“We use the optical properties of glass to compensate for the lack of cameras,” said Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Wisconsin at Madison Zonfu Yu.

New smart glass has inside special areas,that look like translucent squares. Tiny bubbles and light-refracting impurities embedded in glass distort the course of light rays in a certain way to distinguish objects and images.

Here you need to explain a little: we see the world around us because our eye is able to distinguish colors with different wavelengths. The light, reflected from objects, reaches us on the retina, and depending on how long the light beam will be, we will see this color. That is why color blind people see the world a little differently. They simply cannot “catch” some light waves. If you go back to the smart glass, then it will do roughly the same thing as our organ of vision, only in a highly simplified form in order to distinguish the outlines of objects.

A team of scientists who have developed smart glass technology

Smart glass in action

To prove their concept engineerscreated several glasses that recognize written numbers. At the same time, although this is only an early version of the invention, it is already sufficiently effective to distinguish between very similar characters. For example, the numbers 3 and 8. The fact is that after the glass “sees” the figure, the image is transmitted through a special refracting system inside the device. There, on a special matrix, all the data that the glass “knows” are already “written”. It looks like a computer, but without a computer.

"We could potentially use glass inas a biometric lock that is configured to recognize the face of only one person, ”says Yu.“ Once set up, he can work forever. He will not need energy, the Internet and everything else. ”

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