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Scientists say the best ways to quit smoking

According to Rospotrebnadzor, smoking isthe most widespread bad habit in Russia. According to statistics, today in our country about 65% of men and 30% of women smoke. Since smoking causes irreparable harm to the body and is very expensive in terms of money, many people want to get rid of this bad habit. There are many ways to quit smoking, but most of them do not help. But there are methods, the effectiveness of which has been proven in the course of scientific research. Perhaps they will not help the first time and the person will fail, but this is not scary. Statistics show that after several attempts, people finally got rid of their destructive habit. As part of this article, I propose to familiarize yourself with several ways to quit smoking, which are recommended by scientists. Getting rid of a bad habit is a pretty good gift for the new year 2021, isn't it?

There are several scientifically proven ways to quit smoking


  • 1 How to quit smoking?
    • 1.1 Consultation with a specialist
    • 1.2 Cash reward
    • 1.3 Nicotine replacement therapy
    • 1.4 Medicines against smoking
    • 1.5 Phasing out cigarettes

How to quit smoking?

It should be noted from the outset that the describedThe smoking cessation methods below may not work right away. It's important to be more tolerant of yourself and not despair in case of breakdowns. Millions of people are struggling with smoking addiction right now, and many have setbacks - this is normal. And don't be upset if you've tried to quit smoking before, but nothing worked. According to Science Alert, many people who have tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking end up breaking the habit.

Consultation with a specialist

According to scientists, to effectively get rid ofsmoking, support from the outside is important. Relatives or friends can help smokers with this, but it is best to consult a specialist. They are psychologists or employees of special organizations to combat bad habits. Their contacts can be found on the Internet and it is better that they be from your city.

When quitting smoking, it is important to consult a psychologist or other specialist

But it is important to consider that in a pandemiccoronavirus, it is desirable for people to have less contact with each other. Therefore, consultations can be carried out via video communication or even in instant messengers. And there is no doubt that outside help makes it easier to fight the habit. The fact is that the effectiveness of third-party support has been proven in 300 studies involving more than 250,000 people.

Monetary reward

In some countries, companies help theiremployees to quit smoking by rewarding their success with monetary rewards. It is believed that in this way, management increases the productivity of its team, and generally improves its reputation. In Russia, such programs are unlikely to work, but instead you can argue with a friend for a large amount of money. In January 2021, an article appeared in the Cochrane Library mentioning the effectiveness of this approach. So why not give it a try?

Some people quit smoking for money

Nicotine replacement therapy

Also one of the most effective ways to quitsmoking is the so-called nicotine replacement therapy. This is the name of the way of delivering nicotine (which is addictive) into the body without smoking cigarettes. For this, nicotine patches and special chewing gums, lozenges and sprays are usually used.

This is what a nicotine patch looks like.

Did you know that smoking makes you more sensitive to pain?

Anti-smoking medicines

There are medications that reducepleasure from the process of smoking. That is, when using these pills, there is practically no sense in smoking. One of the most popular anti-smoking drugs is Varenicline. It was developed by the American company Pfizer, which is the creator of one of the coronavirus vaccines. The Cochrane Library has the results of a study that has proven that this drug doubles the chances of quitting smoking. But such medications are only available with a doctor's prescription and drinking them yourself is highly discouraged.

Anti-smoking medicines are prescribed only by a doctor

Phasing out cigarettes

Scientists also believe it is easier to quit smokingif at one point you start smoking much less than usual. There are people who smoke one pack every day. So, they should limit themselves to at least half of the pack, and in the future it will be much easier to completely abandon the bad habit. It may be difficult at first, but then you can use one of the methods mentioned above and win this difficult struggle.

When quitting smoking, the key is to start

Also, an article from Science Alert talks aboutauxiliary property of electronic cigarettes. They contain no harmful tar, and, roughly speaking, nicotine is delivered along with the steam. But in 2019, due to the so-called "vapes" in the United States, a mysterious disease arose, so you need to be careful. You can read more about this in this article.