Research, Technology

Scientists have told how life on Mars could destroy the planet and die

Is there life on Mars?To this day, science does not have a clear answer to this question. However, most experts believe that before the planet lost its atmosphere, it existed. After all, 3.7 billion years ago, conditions on Earth and Mars were almost the same. Why, over time, Mars turned into a lifeless, frozen desert? The reasons for this are called very different - the solar wind, dust storms, convection processes, etc. Recently, scientists have put forward a new interesting theory, according to which, the life that existed at that time contributed to what happened to the red planet. If this theory turns out to be correct, then it is quite possible that the remnants of life exist on Mars to this day. Moreover, indirect confirmation of this has already been found, but first things first.

Life on Mars could destroy itself

Life on Merce and the greenhouse effect

Microorganisms on Mars, if they reallyexisted, were more vulnerable than on Earth. The fact is that the red planet is much further from the Sun. As we discussed earlier in the article on life on Mars, microorganisms could have arisen as a result of the fact that for some time the planet warmed itself. But even with that in mind, Mars was more dependent than Earth on greenhouse gases to trap heat. Such gases, as is known, include hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, etc.

According to a new theory, which was recentlypublished in the journal Nature Astronomy, the microbes on Mars failed to create an environment that would help life develop and flourish, as it did on Earth. Instead, they began to actively consume hydrogen and emit methane instead. It would seem, what's the difference, because both hydrogen and methane are greenhouse gases?

Microbes could deprive Mars of greenhouse gas, causing the planet to freeze

In fact, methane has a much smallergreenhouse effect than hydrogen. In this way, microbes gradually destroyed the "heat-insulating" layer of the atmosphere, dooming themselves to extinction. As a result, over time, Mars became so cold that life could no longer develop on the surface of the planet.

Do microbes live on Mars

В настоящее время всех интересует вопрос — Was life completely destroyed on Mars, or did it survive in some remote (deeper) corners of the planet? According to the authors of the above theory, with a gradual drop in temperature on the surface of the planet from +20 degrees to -57 degrees Celsius, microbes burrowed into the crust of Mars. As a result, several hundred million years after the onset of cooling, they could be at a depth of more than 1 kilometer.

Is it really?To answer this question, scientists need to find at least one living organism on Mars. Given the expected depth of these microbes, this is not easy to do. True, as we said earlier, according to other sources, life on the red planet can exist at a depth of only 30 cm.

There is methane in the atmosphere of Mars, which may indicate the presence of life

But, in any case, now the conclusions can be drawnonly on the basis of circumstantial evidence. As mentioned above, microbes produce methane as a result of their vital activity. This means that this gas, if microbes still exist on the planet, must be present in at least a small amount in the atmosphere of the planet.

Traces of methane are indeed found on the redplanet, as reported by NASA. Moreover, the presence of gas was recorded not only by satellites, but also by the Curiosity rover. This, of course, is not yet proof of the presence of living microbes, but it does not disprove the possibility of their existence. Moreover, the probability of the presence of microbes is assessed as high.

Life at various points in the universe can quickly arise, and then destroy itself

Life can destroy itself

If the theory of scientists is confirmed, it mayto mean that life is not necessarily self-sustaining. Being in a favorable environment in which it arises, it can not only improve the conditions of existence, but also destroy itself, violating the foundations of its existence.

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According to scientists, the ingredients of lifeare everywhere in the universe. This means that life can regularly arise and quickly die out. In particular, even the most primitive biosphere can have a self-destructive effect. And finally, we recall that life in the solar system can exist not only on Mars. Where else? You can find out about it here.