
Scientists have learned to find blood clots with a laser

A group of scientists from Russia and the United States learned how to find even the smallest blood clots in blood vessels using the innovative method, using a laser.

According to the editors of the journal PLOS ONEmethod developed by scientistsquite simply: the laser illuminates a special ink introduced into the bloodstream. Contrast media vessels are translucent with a conventional laser that does not cause any discomfort to the patient. On the basis of the data obtained, a computer algorithm builds a light refraction curve and concludes that there are or no thrombotic masses. This method can determine the presence of even very small blood clots in the bloodstream, which is very important for the prevention of thromboembolism, which, according to WHO, affects an average of 150 people per 100 thousand population. Thromboembolism causes such terrible conditions as heart attacks and strokes.

The photo shows a schematic principle of action: the laser glow passes through the bloodstream, and the reflection of the laser beam is captured by a special device. Based on the data obtained, a “picture” of blood flow is created, in which thrombotic masses are already detected.

According to one of the authors of the new methodology, MIPT employee Alexander Melerzan:

“The method we developed will help trackthe dynamics of blood clots during medical procedures and the postoperative period. In the future, it will help avoid fatal thromboembolic complications in the early stages. In normal condition, blood clots occur to prevent bleeding, but a blood clot can also clog a blood vessel, which interferes with blood circulation and can be fatal. "

Although this problem is worth enoughacutely and known for a very long time, highly sensitive methods for determining blood clots did not exist until today. Perhaps the joint development of scientists from Russia and the United States in the future will save more than one life.