
Phorm - Unique Tactile Keyboard for iPad Mini

To many users of modern sensoryThe devices lack tactile sensations when you press the on-screen keys. As soon as accessory manufacturers have tried to solve this problem. Dozens of different devices appeared, which were supposed to somehow compensate for the lack of feedback from pushing buttons. But Tactus, which developed the Phorm keyboard, came closest to the ideal solution. The uniqueness of this keyboard is that the bulging keys on it appear when you want it.

The founders of Tactus are Dr. Craig Ciesla andMika Yayri listened attentively to the wishes and comments of hundreds of users of modern tablets and with knowledge of the issue approached the creation of a fundamentally new gadget that should allow people to avoid the lack of tactile sensations when communicating with their favorite gadget.

Phorm is a tablet case for iPadMini. The screen of the device is covered with a thin protective film, inside which dozens of microscopic channels are laid, through which a special liquid is supplied at the right moment. It fills the cavities above the keys displayed on the screen, and in these places the screen becomes convex, allowing your fingers to physically feel each pressed character. As soon as you no longer need the physical keyboard, you simply move the switch on the back of the case to the off position, and the screen becomes perfectly smooth again.

Phorm is Tactus’s first product thatThis moment is completely ready to enter the market. Craig and Mika plan to start selling their amazing keyboard in the summer of 2015. They note that their development is not just an incredibly comfortable tactile keyboard, but also an excellent protective case for your gadget, so you can kill two birds with one stone at once.

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Of course, the question remains: What to do when the iPad is turned to the horizontal position, and the keyboard only supports the vertical? But the creators of Phorm claim that they are currently working to improve their offspring, and in the future this problem will be avoided. The device will go on sale at a price of $ 149, and all those who pre-order on the official website will be able to get it for $ 50 cheaper.