
On a Soviet submarine, sunken in Norway, revealed a leakage of radiation

K-278 Komsomolets - Soviet nuclear submarinesubmarine (submarine), which holds the absolute record for the depth of immersion among submarines - almost 1030 meters. On April 7, 1989, the boat sank for the last time and sank. As a result, a terrible accident killed 42 people. On board the Komsomolets, as befits nuclear submarines, was a nuclear reactor. Now it lies at the bottom of the Norwegian Sea and seems to be missing radiation.

Radiation leak on the Komsomolets submarine

Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Agencysecurity posted on Twitter a photograph of the sunken "Komsomolets". This photograph was taken using the Ægir 6000 deep-water unmanned aerial vehicle carried by the research vessel G. O. Sars. Just the other day, on July 1, a fire broke out on the Losharik and Orenburg submarines in the Barents Sea, people were killed. These boats worked in much the same way as the Norwegian devices that took the picture: one vessel serves as a carrier, the other - a separate research station.

Slik ser den sovjetiske atomubåten "Komsomolets" ut i dag - 30 Ye et et den den Sank i Norskehavet. Forskerne fikk de første bildene av vraket sent søndag kveld.

- Direktoratet for strålevern og atomsikkerhet (@Straalevernet) July 8, 2019

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“This is how the Soviet nuclear underwaterKomsomolets submarine - 30 years after it sank in the Norwegian Sea. The researchers received the first pictures of the crash late on Sunday evening, ”the signature says.

During the expedition to the sunken "Komsomolets"it turned out that the ship "passes" radiation. The radiation level in the area of ​​the ventilation pipe of the reactor compartment is 100,000 times higher than the norm; however, according to researchers, there is no threat to fishing in the Norwegian Sea.

By the way, scientists believe that nuclear energy will save humanity.

Nuclear submarine "Komsomolets" died in1989, returning from the third combat service, which lasted less than two months, from February 28, 1989 to April 7, 1989. On the day of the accident, the boat managed to emerge from a depth of 380 meters. There was a fire and in the two adjacent compartments, the systems of tanks of the main ballast were destroyed - water began to flow on board the submarine. 69 people began to evacuate, but 42 people died. The reactor of the boat was reliably plugged, but in the torpedo tubes there are torpedoes with a nuclear warhead. They, most likely, are the source of radiation.

According to, in March 2007, a Russian submarine visited a submarine that sank in Norway. Then also recorded a leak of radiation. What will they do with it? Most likely, nothing - while there is no significant threat. Work at great depths is always fraught with danger, and a collision with radiation is a double threat. Any expedition to a sunken nuclear reactor to neutralize it will be very expensive and complex, requiring years to develop. If the situation worsens, you have to hurry.

The accident and the collapse of a nuclear submarine is always a big tragedy. Read more about what happened at Orenburg and Losharik.