General, Research, Technology

Is it possible to turn half the planet into a reserve?

According to official UN data, every yeartakes away about 25 thousand species of animals and plants. In order to reduce the growth of such frightening statistics, a number of environmental movements are calling for extremely ambitious conservation goals. So, the most noticeable of them may be the idea of ​​turning 50% of the earth's surface into one huge reserve. Could such an idea become a reality once, and if so, what consequences can it lead to?

One of the most ambitious ideas of environmental activists may be the idea of ​​turning 50% of our planet into one huge reserve

What will happen if you turn the planet into a reserve?

For the first time, the idea that humanity has the powerto turn half of our planet into a reserve, was popularized in 2017 by the famous biologist E.O. Wilson in one of his books. According to his idea, 50% of the planet’s territory can be protected by a special “global agreement on nature conservation” by 2050, which will entail a marked expansion of the planet’s biodiversity. In addition, living in areas rich in recreational resources can increase the level of mental health and well-being of the population, and in some cases, protected areas can provide new jobs and incomes from ecotourism and the emergence of a new type of production.

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The researcher believes that under the law on protectionnature can be reached, first of all, by the Central African mangroves and the Baltic mixed forests, covering at the same time most of the Scandinavian countries. Despite such optimistic forecasts, the transformation of the planet into a conservation area may entail negative consequences. According to the portal, about 760 million people are at risk of finding themselves in areas with a new environmental status, which will lead to their possible eviction from their usual places of residence.

If a draft law on protected areas is passed, around 760 million people around the world are at risk of being evicted from their homes.

Chris Sandbrook, Ph.D. in Geographyof the Cambridge faculty, believes that the conservation of nature requires decisive action on the part of the inhabitants of our planet. Already by 2050, humanity is at risk of facing food and environmental crises, which will undoubtedly affect the global well-being of the world's population.

What do you think about this? Do you agree that the time has come to completely change the attitude of mankind to its environment, or do you have your own proposals on the issue so vital for survival? Share your opinion in our official Telegram chat.