
In Switzerland, began to extract kerosene from the air (5 photos + video)

Environmental problems and unstable oil pricesForcing engineers to experiment with different sources of renewable energy. The use of sunlight is a priority in modern energy. Developers from Switzerland have proposed an original method for extracting hydrocarbon fuels from the air using solar energy.

The experimental setup is already working inSwitzerland and even in conditions of the Central European climate can produce up to 100 ml of kerosene per day. Engineers of the Swiss Higher Technical School of Zurich, created an installation that extracts water from the air and carbon dioxide, which then decomposes using solar energy. As a result, an artificial gas consisting of hydrogen and carbon monoxide is obtained at the outlet. The resulting mixture is then used to produce hydrocarbon fuels, including aviation kerosene.

The chemical process uses hightemperature, which is achieved by solar energy. Such conditions allow to achieve high speed and efficiency of the reaction. As a result, the experimental facility produces about 100 ml of fuel.

The next stage of the project will be to create a largesolar power plant, the construction of which has already begun near Madrid. The main goal of the developers is to create a cost-effective hydrocarbon fuel generator capable of producing kerosene on an industrial scale.

According to the calculations of experts, the use ofThe technology at the solar station of 1 square km will allow producing up to 20 thousand liters of kerosene per day. Placing a solar generator on an area of ​​about one-third of the area of ​​the Mojave Desert, which is just over 11 thousand square km, you can completely abandon oil production for aviation needs.

Reducing the cost of solar and wind energy to a level 2-3 times lower than the price of hydrocarbon energy, now opens the way for the development of production of hydrogen fuel.
