Research, Technology

From the point of view of quantum physics, time is just an illusion

We perceive time as an arrow pointingforward. Moreover, space and time are inextricably linked. Their duet is manifested in the movement and development of matter. As for the head of the force in the Universe, gravity skillfully weaves material objects into the fabric of space-time and the duet turns into a trio. Einstein's general theory of relativity (GR) describes the universe remarkably accurately. But quantum mechanics violates this harmony, because in the world of subatomic particles everything is arranged differently. Two fundamental physical theories do not agree with each other, which has led to a crisis in modern physics. But what if we look at the situation in a radically different way? Does time even exist? And if not, then how is the universe arranged?

Time is an abstract quantity or mathematical concept that exists in our representation of reality.


  • 1 What is time?
  • 2 Moving forward
  • 3 Theory of quantum gravity
  • 4 New era of physics

What is time?

Let's start with the fact that the structure of reality is absurdcast doubt. After all, we only do what we check with the times. We celebrate birthdays and other annual holidays, yes there, our whole life is one big schedule, the schedule that we are used to. Moreover, all the subtle fragments of time, let's call them that, create us and everyday life everywhere.

But if we assume that a radical revision of physical theory is the right way to put everything in its place, first you need to understand what time is.

Physicists define time as sequence of events from past to present and future. Time can also be seen as the fourth dimension of reality, used to describe events in three-dimensional space. Therefore, for us, time moves forward like an arrow.

Time in the universe may not exist at all

And if the Universe is considered as a closed system, its entropy (degree of disorder) cannot decrease. This means that the universe cannot return to its previous state, therefore, time cannot turn back. Everything seems to be true, but recently physicists have found something interesting: at the quantum level, time flows differently, and particles can travel into the past.

Is it possible to track quantum particles without an observer? Catch the answer in this article and don't forget to subscribe to our Telegram channel to stay up to date with the latest scientific discoveries!

The equations on which physical science is built,say that quantum systems can simultaneously develop along two opposite arrows of time (forward and backward in time). This means that quantum systems can move both forward and backward. We talked about how physicists came to this conclusion earlier.

Forward movement

Advances in physics suggest thattime really does not exist, at least in its current understanding. Many scientists are seriously considering this possibility. As researchers from the Australian Catholic University found out, a new physical theory calls into question the very existence of time in our reality.

At the quantum level, time does not exist.

Важно понимать, что данный подход обусловлен mathematical equations. If you take a three-dimensional set of coordinates, such as (x, y, z) and remove "z" from it, assuming that it "does not exist anymore", solving the equation will show a different result. Such decisions led physicists to the theory of quantum gravity.

We don't think about it that often, and yet,Do you think the universe had a beginning? Researchers believe that it has always existed, in the infinite past, and only recently turned into what we call the Big Bang. The continuation can be read here.

Of course, the revision of our reality isno small feat. Especially when it comes to the theory of loop quantum gravity or string theory. And despite the fact that both theories failed in some ways, Albert Einstein's dream of creating a theory of everything inspires scientists. But there is something else interesting: the theory of loop quantum gravity admits no time as a fundamental concept of reality.

Quantum gravity theory

Edwin's famous thought experimentSchrödinger with a cat and a box containing a radioactive substance is a paradox. If we open the box, the cat will die due to the decay of the substance. But while the box is closed and we do not see the cat, it is in a quantum superposition, which means it is both alive and dead at the same time.

For us, time can be just an illusion

Quantum mechanics is an area of ​​research thatconsiders how particles interact with each other, being in a superposition. It also means that a particle can be in two or even "all" possible places at the same time. Of course, the road to progress is thorny, but scientists weren't prepared for how weird quantum mechanics was getting.

The catch is that quantum superpositioncontradicts general relativity, which has been integrated into the standard model of particle physics ever since Einstein first formulated it in the early 1900s.

According to general relativity, existing physical objectsbehave in response to the force of gravity. Time flows differently depending on where and how you travel through space and is one of the key laws of the universe within the Standard Model.

But despite the popular tendency to exposedoubt the nature of time, its physical "reality" is beyond doubt. Time is an integral part of the universe, and the boundary between events that have been measured does not determine their outcome.

We perceive time as a social construct

According to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantummechanics, the quantum world exists just like the real world. This separation shows us what happens in nature when previously indeterminate things become certain. It turns out that time can be fundamental. But maybe not. The same thing happens with the arrow of time we perceive.

More on the topic: What is the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics?

New era of physics

But if we go even further and assume thattime - the only thing that has kept humanity from the very beginning of civilization, will be destroyed, what will remain. According to classical physics, the output we get is a “causal relationship”, that is, the idea that one event entails another.

This concept is not amenable to any absolute concepts and exists in the abstract, the researchers believe.

In an attempt to relate mathematical equations toreality, scientists suggest that if time does not exist, then it does not directly affect our lives, even if it advances physics into a new era. The fact is that we perceive time as a social construct, which is a reality for us, and we measure it simply by looking at the clock.

And even if time does not really exist, our life will go on as usual.

How research is progressing in this area can be found in one of the previous articles, we recommend reading it.

Ultimately, this is quite convenient, sincethe human brain struggles with concepts such as infinity and the fabric of space-time. But since the interaction of elementary particles among themselves raises a lot of questions, and the answers to them are still unknown to us, physicists and mathematicians are working on this.