
Found a giant bee, which was considered extinct for 40 years

In the entire history of the Earth, a huge number ofanimals and insects, however, sometimes people manage to find individuals that were considered extinct even after long years. For example, in 1938, prehistoric Koelakant fish were found at sea, which, according to scientists, disappeared millions of years ago. Another similar miracle happened recently - researchers from Australia, Canada, and the United States met a giant Wallace bee in Indonesia, which was last seen by people back in 1981.

This is not the first "disappearance" of a huge insect.- being discovered in 1858 by the naturalist Alfred Wallace, he disappeared for more than one decade. It was reopened only in 1981 by the entomologist Adam Messer on the island of Bachan, and again disappeared for several decades. Because of this inconsistency, the bee has taken a well-deserved place in the Search for Lost Species program of the Global Wildlife Conservation.

Found in the northern islands of Indonesia beeWallace reaches 3.8 centimeters in length, and has a wingspan of 6.4 centimeters. For comparison, it is four times larger than the size of an ordinary European bee. As usual, the bee nestled on the wood termitary, and its huge size suggests that it is female. As a rule, males have a smaller body size, about 2.3 centimeters.

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At the moment, researchers are trying to collaborate with local environmentalists. They intend to find more individuals of giant bees and take measures to protect them from extinction.

Are you afraid of bees? How would you react to Wallace's huge bee? You can leave your answer in the comments, and you can always talk on the subject of science and technology in our Telegram-chat.