
Bacteria can prevent the formation of road pits.

For the safety of motorists and pedestrians,winter icy roads are plentifully sprinkled with anti-icing solutions. Unfortunately, they negatively affect the concrete under the ice layer, destroying it and forming road pits. Researchers at Drexel University in Philadelphia have found that some groups of bacteria can eliminate this side effect, and even make the roads more durable. By adding them to existing solutions, you can stop the formation of destructive substances and provoke the formation of strong cement.

As a rule, anti-ice products containa huge amount of calcium chloride, which reacts with calcium hydroxide in concrete roads and provokes the formation of calcium oxychloride. It expands inside the concrete and causes the cracks, due to which road pits arise.

Philadelphia researchers found thatBy adding the strain of Sporosarcina pasteurii and the nutrients they need to the concrete roads, this effect can be avoided. Interacting with anti-icing solutions, they are able to convert calcium chloride to calcium carbonate, which is a natural cement and gives the road extra strength.

During the study, a series of samples was createdconcrete resistant to solutions against ice. They were exposed to calcium chloride for 28 days and it turned out that the concrete containing the bacteria Sporosarcina pasteurii really does not collapse, but becomes stronger. Due to the formation of particles of natural cement, the concrete road has become better able to withstand the acoustic vibrations arising from passing cars.

What do you think, when smooth roads without potholes will become commonplace? Share your opinion in the comments, or in our Telegram-chat.