
Antibodies that inhibit brain aging have been discovered and tested (3 photos)

One of the most pressing problems of modernMedicine is the study of the causes and mechanism of aging of the human brain. This process is influenced by several factors, such as gender, age and the patient's health.

Researchers at Stanford Universitydiscovered a gene that produces a protein that affects the deterioration of the cognitive functions of the brain. In the course of the study, antibodies capable of blocking the action of the protein were detected. In an experiment on animals, scientists tried to restore the brain functions in age mice.

In the process of vital activity of brain cellspeculiar protein wastes are produced, for the removal of which special cells - microglia - are responsible for excretion from the body. With age, the performance of these cells decreases. According to scientists from Stanford, it is the accumulated protein residues that lead to cognitive impairment. Also, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are caused by impaired normal microglial cells.

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Experimenters worked in two directions. In the first experiment, the influence of each of the 3,000 genes on the functionality of microglia to process extraneous materials was studied. For this, microglial cells “worked” to remove colored latex particles. The second series of experiments studied the change in the activity of these same three thousand genes, depending on the age of the mice. The result exceeded all expectations. One gene was detected that changes its functionality with age and affects the ability of microglial cells to remove protein residues.

Such a gene CD22 is present in the bodymice and in humans. After a thorough study of this gene, it was found that it encodes a protein found on the surface of the microglia of old mice three times more often than young ones. Scientists have suggested that this protein is responsible for age-related cognitive impairment. It was decided to subject the protein to an attack of antibodies capable of blocking its work.

To the brain area of ​​the mice responsible for learning andmemorization, antibodies were found. Moreover, in one half of this region, developed antibodies were injected in order to block the work of the protein, and in the other half, antibodies of a different type that neutrally affect this protein. In parallel, an injection of tinted particles of myelin was injected into both areas of the brain, which are precisely accumulated in the brain in the process of aging. After 48 hours, experts found that there was significantly less myelin in the area where the protein was blocked by antibodies. An experiment with proteins that affect Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease also gave the same results — antibodies successfully blocked a protein that reduces the function of microglial cells.

The following experiment was conducted formonths, and antibodies were injected into both halves of the brain. Mice exposed to antibodies blocking CD22 protein, after 30 days of continuous treatment, showed significantly more effective learning and memorizing capabilities than “ordinary” elderly laboratory mice.

The presence of the CD22 gene in the human genome and excellentThe preliminary results of the experiment with mice in perspective open up wide opportunities for the development of an effective drug to restore the age-related human brain activity.
