
A vaccine against the effects of stress is already under development. It includes a bacteria living in the mud

In the future, people who are often exposedstressful situations, can protect themselves from the development of health problems due to the so-called "stress vaccine." Its main component can be the soil-dwelling bacterium Mycobacterium vaccae, which has an amazing ability to suppress the effects of emotional turmoil. It was discovered in 2016 during an experiment on mice, but scientists could only now explain the principle of the action of the bacteria.

It is known that when a person has stressimmunity weakens, and that causes the development of further diseases. Having created a vaccine that preserves immunity in its previous form, scientists can easily prevent their development. The first step to this has already been taken - researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder found out that 10 (Z) -hexadecenoic acid contained inside the bacteria effectively reduces inflammation in immune cells.

How do bacteria strengthen the immune system?

According to Professor Christopher Lowry, whenMycobacterium vaccae bacteria, safe for people, get inside the immune cells, they release the above-mentioned acid and turn off inflammatory processes. She, and her, like microorganisms, can become the basis for a vaccine that in the future can prevent stress-related diseases in the military, rescue workers, and representatives of other difficult professions.

Mycobacterium vaccae

Mycobacterium vaccae is one ofmicroorganisms that for thousands of years could play a large role in the development of human immunity. When people actively hunted and engaged in farming, they often interacted with soil bacteria, but after moving to rather sterile urban conditions, meetings with “old friends” began to thin out, and human immunity began to weaken.

Vaccine to strengthen the immune system

Returning friendly bacteria to organismsartificially, scientists can easily achieve the fact that people will become more resistant to a variety of diseases. In addition to Mycobacterium vaccae, discovered in the 1990s, other microorganisms that are useful for human immunity can also be found in the soil. Having discovered and studied them, mankind can create a lot of various substances to strengthen the immune system.

With all this, the enhanced work of immunity alsonot good for the body. Recently, researchers at the University of Toronto recently discovered that immune cells in the mouth can interact with microbes and destroy enamel, dentin, and other parts of the tooth. More information about this process can be found in our material.

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