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A bandage has been created that transmits the patient's indicators through the air

Monitoring the wound healing process has its ownlimitations. So, at present, doctors monitor the condition of the wound, removing the bandage, thereby disrupting the healing process. The main parameter that must be monitored is wound moisture. To improve the efficiency of the healing process, it is especially important to maintain an optimal level of moisture, while limiting the number of additional dressings.

To solve this problem, Italian scientistsimplemented an original idea and invented a "smart" bandage, integrating a humidity sensor into it, transmitting data using wireless technologies. Using its own electrochemical properties, the sensor works in real time, tracking changes in moisture ranging from dry to wet.

When creating the sensor, the method was appliedscreen printing using polystyrene sulfonate, which determines the moisture level of the wound and is applied to a flexible mesh of a certain geometry. The sensor is directly linked to the RFID chip, providing wireless monitoring of wound moisture in real time.