Research, Technology

5 things to help you become an amateur astronomer

Every person who is interested in sciencethere is an opportunity to make an important discovery in the field of astronomy. For example, in 2021, I already talked about how Brazilian amateur astronomer Jose Luis Pereira was able to capture the moment a mysterious object fell onto the surface of Jupiter. This achievement was written not only by us, but also by many other publications around the world. If you want to study space objects, you need optical instruments, but powerful telescopes can cost several tens of thousands of rubles. But for amateur purposes, simple options are also suitable, which are much cheaper. Let's see what you need to buy for amateur astronomy - warm days are starting and, thanks to a new hobby, you can spend extremely unusual summer nights full of impressions!

Perhaps astronomy will become your new hobby.

First, we will find out exactly what devices beginner astronomers need and where they are cheapest to buy. And we will talk about how easy it is to find planets and constellations in the sky at the end of the article.


  • 1 Binoculars for astronomy
  • 2 Monocular for astronomers
  • 3 Inexpensive telescope for amateurs
  • 4 Solar eclipse glasses
  • 5 Application for amateur astronomers

Binoculars for astronomy

Yes, for starters, amateur astronomers can get byordinary binoculars. With it, it is quite possible to consider the numerous craters on the surface of the moon, which were formed after the fall of asteroids and other space objects. Each of these formations has its own name, and for starters, you can just learn how to quickly find them. In the future, when you go out of town with someone, you will easily surprise them with your knowledge.

Binoculars are also suitable for the first observations of the starry sky.

The disadvantage of binoculars is perhaps the absencetripod. When viewing the starry sky, your hand will shake a little, which will make it difficult to focus on objects. Therefore, it is better to get at least a weak telescope - we will talk about them a little lower.


Compact binoculars for ~1,000 rubles
Professional binoculars for ~3,000 rubles
Waterproof binoculars for ~5,000 rubles

Monocular for astronomers

Before moving on to full-fledged telescopes,I would like to draw attention to the existence of monoculars. As a rule, they are used by tourists to look at distant objects, but they are also suitable for amateur astronomers. They are not as expensive as telescopes, but they are as similar as possible, and some models come with a tripod, which just prevents hand shake. In fact, a monocular is half of a pair of binoculars, which takes up a minimum of space and weighs lighter.

Monoculars are smaller, lighter and less expensive than full binoculars


Budget monocular for ~500 rubles
Monocular with night vision for ~2,900 rubles
Waterproof monocular for ~5,900 rubles

Inexpensive telescope for amateurs

If binoculars and a monocular are too much for yousimply, then you need a telescope. For an amateur purpose, almost any option is suitable - budget models that are available in online stores are just designed for beginner astronomers. With a telescope, you can see not only the craters on the moon, but also more distant objects - for example, the planet Mars. True, for this you need to wait for the moment when it is closest to the Earth, as well as good weather and a perfectly dark environment. Unlike binoculars and monoculars, telescopes are more expensive, but manufacturers put different lenses, a good tripod and other accessories into the kit.

Despite the relatively low cost, budget telescopes are also capable of a lot.


Budget telescope for ~3,700 rubles
Professional telescope for ~10,400 rubles

I gave a link to another good telescope in an article about the youngest astronomer in the world. The girl is only eight (!!!) years old.

Solar eclipse glasses

Several times a year from Earth it is possible to observesolar eclipse. This phenomenon occurs when the Moon flies against the background of the solar disk - we regularly talk about the next eclipses. It is impossible to look at a solar eclipse directly, because this can irreparably damage your eyesight. This requires special glasses which, compared to the products mentioned above, cost mere pennies.

A solar eclipse can only be viewed through special glasses.


Paper glasses for a solar eclipse for ~10 rubles
Welding goggles with protection for ~700 rubles


Application for amateur astronomers

It is not necessary to observe the starry skyperfect in astronomy. First of all, most likely, you will study the Moon - everyone can find it. And to discover Mars and other planets, as well as surprise everyone with the knowledge of the constellations, a mobile application is enough. Personally, I consider Stellarium ideal, which is available not only on a computer, but also on smartphones (Android and iOS). The latter option is preferable because you will most likely conduct observations outside the home.

Stellarium program shows constellations and other space objects

However, you can build a home observatory andin your room or balcony. The main thing is that trees do not grow in front of your window, and there are no lanterns nearby. Otherwise, to observe the night sky, you will have to travel outside the city, because light pollution greatly interferes with observations. To explore the starry sky, you need to choose cloudless nights, because otherwise you simply won’t see anything.

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If you want to try yourself as an amateur astronomer, hurry up. Because soon so many artificial satellites will fly around the Earth that it will be impossible to study space.