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5 situations when a push-button phone is better than a smartphone

Different life situations require differenta technique suited to a specific scenario. For example, you will not print your book on a printer, but go to a printing house; you will not go on a trip from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok in a sports car, but choose a comfortable and passable SUV. It's the same story with phones: despite the progress of technology, there are still many situations when it is better to replace a fashionable and expensive smartphone with a simple and reliable one. push-button telephone... We have collected five of the most popular scenarios for you.

There are many situations when a smartphone is simply not needed.


  • 1 Device for the elderly
  • 2 Hunting / fishing
  • 3 Second phone
  • 4 Phone for a child
  • 5 Call can not be photographed

A device for an elderly person

Modern pensioners willingly masteradvanced technologies: they watch news on the Internet, communicate in social networks, watch TV not through an antenna, but through a set-top box. However, there should be a balance in everything: if a grandmother or grandfather does not want to become a tiktok star, and they only need a phone for calls and SMS, you should not “please” an elderly relative with a fancy smartphone as a birthday present. These people grew up in other times, when there were no touch screens and an infinite number of applications, so even typing can be a problem for your untrained grandmother.

If this is your case and an elderly relative needsa limited set of functions and capabilities, then a push-button telephone will become a more reasonable, appropriate and budget solution. Moreover, many manufacturers today are producing phones with an eye to use by older people. Such a device should have large physical buttons, clearly distinguishable characters on the screen, a loud signal, good reception and a long battery life. The range of models is large, you can choose from a variety of manufacturers. We'll talk about this class of devices using the example of Philips Xenium E207 - one of the most popular push-button telephones for seniors. In addition to all of the above, it has an SOS button that can be programmed to make a call to a specific subscriber or send him a preset SMS with one click.

Philips Xenium E207

Long press turns on sirenthat will attract the attention of others:safety must come first. An additional advantage is a docking station that turns a mobile phone into a kind of home phone familiar to an elderly person.

Of course, the price also plays an important role: the Philips button switch costs a little more 2000 rubles, so it is perfect as a gift.

Hunting Fishing

It hurts even to imagine you overturninga bucket of fish on your brand new smartphone or drop it into a puddle in pursuit of prey. A person who is fond of hunting and fishing needs a simple and reliable device, which in case of something is not so sorry to lose, and Instagram will wait, you can post your record catch when you return home. In the forest or on the lake, there is no time for this - that is why a significant part of the audience of push-button phones is made up of fishermen and hunters. Such devices are not damaged by the slightest fall and often catch the signal better than a smartphone - this is indispensable in the wilderness.

Many manufacturers produce protectedphones designed just for such conditions. If you need maximum protection with impact-resistant sides and other bells and whistles, you can take a closer look at the teXet and BQ models - but they will also cost more. For ordinary situations, a phone with a basic degree of protection is enough - among the range of models you can consider, for example, Philips Xenium E218... It has a reinforced body with rubberized parts. Add to this almost a month of battery life and a low price (less 3000 rubles) - and you will understand why these devices have become so popular among fans of active hobbies.

Philips Xenium E218

Second phone

If you need a second SIM card, there are two options:change your smartphone to a model with dual SIM support or buy a push-button phone as a simple dialer. It all depends on your budget: a decent smartphone for two SIM cards costs from a couple of tens of thousands of rubles, while a suitable push-button phone can be bought for a tenth of this cost. Requirements for such a device are minimum: reliability, compact size and long battery life. Literally for one or two thousand rubles, you can buy yourself a small phone that will not get in the way of a backpack or even a jacket pocket.

There are many options, as always, among them there is an almost record-breaking autonomy Philips Xenium E182.

Thanks to the impressive battery capacity (3100 mAh), the device can work for about months standby!

Philips Xenium E182

And it's not just about capacity - the E182 has technology on board Xeniumwhich optimizes settings and performancephone for maximum battery life. In other words, thrown into a backpack and forgotten until it rings. Another advantage is the ability to charge other equipment from the E182. We left the house and forgot to charge the smartphone - the good old button will help out.

Phone for a child

Another scenario in which, without a buttonthe phone is indispensable. We all know that children are not always careful about technology - instead of updating their smartphone once a month, it is better to choose a push-button device that: a) is difficult to kill and b) it’s not a pity to lose. For a schoolchild, you can choose either just a compact model that fits easily in a portfolio pocket, or a device - yes, for older people: it's all about the SOS button. It's always worth remembering safety - be sure to tell your child how to use it.

The fact itself also affects the safety of your child.choosing a push-button phone instead of a smartphone: if a child attracts the attention of an intruder, he will not have any motivation to take away a cheap "push-button", which, unfortunately, cannot be said about a new expensive smartphone.

Call can not be photographed

There are a huge number of professions and occupations where it is necessary to be in touch, but photographing in the workplace prohibited... Smartphone owners line up in a rowthere is a queue at the checkpoint to lay out the smartphone every morning and pick it up in the evening, and the owners of push-button phones stay in touch without disturbing the internal order. This is another scenario in which you can use a push-button phone as a second device: at home you do whatever you want on your smartphone, and take a simpler device to work that will not leave you cut off from the outside world. The pleasure, as you know, is inexpensive: today, literally for a couple of thousand rubles, you can buy a "button" for almost every taste.