Research, Technology

5 non-obvious reasons why people do not get enough sleep in the morning

Every person is recommended to sleep for 8 hours a - this is a well-known fact that everyone is tired of. But keeping a sleep schedule is very important, because lack of sleep can lead to a weakened immune system, memory impairment and other health problems. Unfortunately, due to the fast pace of life in cities, people rarely get enough sleep and try to catch up on weekends. Sometimes the reason is not only a lack of time - people do not get enough sleep due to habits, environmental conditions and other factors that we often do not even notice. Let's talk about five reasons why people most often do not get enough sleep in the morning and feel bad.

There are many reasons for lack of sleep, and they need to be eliminated.


  • 1 Inappropriate air temperature for sleep
  • 2 Eating before bed
  • 3 Bright light while sleeping
  • 4 Sleeping alone
  • 5 Smartphone preoccupation before bed

Inappropriate air temperature for sleep

Many experts agree that sleepyou need in a cool room - so a person falls asleep faster and rests fully. Ideally, the air temperature in the room should be between +16 and +19 degrees Celsius. It is better if the head is in the cold part of the bed, and the legs are mostly kept warm - the greater the difference in temperature between these areas, the better the sleep. The recommendation to sleep in a cold room is explained by the fact that in such conditions the hormone melatonin, which is important for sleep, is better produced.

For sound sleep, the air in the room must be cool.

It is important to note, that some people, on the contrary, sleep better in warmth. If after such a dream a person feels rested, nothing needs to be changed. So the body is better.

Eating before bed

About the fact that before going to bed it is better not to eat anything, toosurely everyone knows. Some believe that dinner before bed harms the figure, while others believe that digesting food before bed does not allow the body to fully rest. Both those and other people are absolutely right, and you definitely don’t need to eat anything before going to bed. There are a lot of consequences of late eating, ranging from forcing the body to digest food around the clock, and ending with the reproduction of putrefactive microflora in the intestines. However, you should have known about this by now. But here is another important factor - many modern foods contain substances that invigorate, and do not help to fall asleep. Do you still have doubts about the harmfulness of eating before bedtime?

Everyone knows about the dangers of eating before bed.

Bright light while sleeping

Even if you think your room is darkthis is not necessarily the case. In any modern room there are at least small light sources in the form of indicators on the monitor, computer, clock, and even an outlet. Do not forget about the light that falls from the window at night, because the streets are full of bright lanterns and cars regularly passing by. Any light interferes with the production of the aforementioned melatonin, which is very important for sound sleep. Therefore, before going to bed, it is better to cover the windows with thick curtains and turn off all electronics. By doing so, you will also eliminate sources of noise, because even the quiet buzz of a laptop can worsen the quality of sleep.

Even dim light interferes with a person’s sleep

You will be interested: Why a glass of warm milk at bedtime helps you fall asleep

Sleep alone

Some research results suggest thatPeople who sleep in the same bed with a loved one have a better sleep quality score than those who sleep alone. This is especially true of the fast phase, during which people have memorable dreams - they become longer and more vivid. Based on this, we can conclude that sleeping alone is another not-so-obvious reason for regular sleep deprivation. But, it is worth noting that sleep with another person can only be sound if you have a sufficiently large blanket, pillows and other accessories - they should be enough for everyone.

There's evidence that sleeping with your loved one is better than sleeping alone

We talked about how to sleep properly in this article. I recommend reading!

Preoccupation with a smartphone before bed

Most people scroll through the feed before going to, watch videos and watch funny pictures. This bad habit interferes with sound sleep on several fronts at once. First, smartphone screens emit blue light that prevents you from falling asleep. Secondly, the content consumed causes vivid emotions, which, again, make it harder to fall asleep. Thirdly, lying with a smartphone, people do not notice the passage of time and fall asleep after midnight. As a result, it turns out that they lack sleep and in the morning everyone feels overwhelmed. Night-time smartphone obsession even has a name for “procrastination in bed,” which I talked about in this article.

Procrastination in bed is a very big problem.

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What other reasons do you think most people suffer from lack of sleep? There are probably many options - share in the comments or our Telegram chat.