General, Research, Technology

What happens to a person after overeating?

During holiday feasts, most of uscannot resist the abundance of various dishes. A plate of soup, a couple of tablespoons of salad, tea with a few pieces of cake, and now - we are too full, we don't want to get up and don't even want to think about food. But what happens inside our body at this time? Scientists from the University of Bath (Great Britain) started looking for an answer to this question. In short, when eating an excessive amount of food, our heart and digestive organs begin to work in an enhanced mode. Some people cope with this very easily and with rare overeating, nothing terrible happens to their health. But some people cannot cope with even one overeating and may well cause irreparable harm to their health. But which of the two types of people are you specifically and can you afford to occasionally overeat? Let's figure it out.

Sometimes a person can afford to eat too much pizza without harm to health.


  • 1 Consequences of overeating
    • 1.1 Short term consequences
    • 1.2 Long term consequences
  • 2 Reasons for overeating

The consequences of overeating

According to the scientific publication ScienceAlert, foridentifying the short-term effects of overeating, British scientists conducted an experiment. They gathered a group of 14 healthy men, aged 22 to 37, whose task was quite simple - to eat pizza. On the first day, they were asked to eat so much pizza that they would eventually feel full. Most likely, the study was conducted on an empty stomach so that the food eaten in advance did not affect the results of the scientific work. Almost all volunteers were satisfied with just under one large pizza, which contained 1,500 calories.

One big pizza is enough for a grown man to eat.

On the second day, before the volunteers there wasanother task is set - to eat until it seems to them that they “no longer fit”. In this case, adult men were able to eat twice as much, that is, almost 2.5 large pizzas, the total calorie content of which is 4,800 calories. In the course of observations, scientists noticed that after overeating, the volunteers became less mobile and no longer wanted to eat, even sweets.

Watch the video: Cosmonauts cook pizza on board the ISS

Short term consequences

In addition to visual observation, researchers inblood samples were taken from men for four hours. To their surprise, despite consuming an unusually high amount of calories, their blood sugar and fat levels remained unchanged. Their concentration remained normal due to the increased work of the heart and pancreas, which is responsible for the production of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. Healthy men easily endured such a load, but such loads are contraindicated for older people.

Diabetes is a chronic illness that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin

Long term consequences

So, the study showed that in the short termin the long run, overeating does not cause much harm to the human body. But how the body reacts to regular consumption of excessive amounts of food, British scientists do not yet know for sure. Despite the fact that studies on this topic have already been carried out and their results have already been published, they want to conduct an independent scientific work. Well, what if they suddenly learn something new?

Overeating Leads to Obesity

And at the moment, scientists know thatregular overeating will certainly lead to the development of dangerous diseases. The point is that when the body gets a lot of calories, blood sugar and fat levels rise. The heart and pancreas, no matter how strong they are, cannot independently reduce their concentration to normal levels. Ultimately, a person becomes overweight and may even be diagnosed with obesity - the formation of excessive body fat. And with obesity, as we know, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other health problems increases. In addition, do not forget that when overeating, the stomach enlarges and it requires more and more food.

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Reasons for overeating

A one-time overeating can occur during get-togethers with friends and family. But the reasons for regular overeating are much more and they are more serious:

  • stress provokes eating a lot of sweet and fatty foods, because it gives a temporary feeling of calm;
  • irregular meals can also provoke overeating - if you ate cookies with tea in the morning, then by lunchtime you will clearly have a wolfish appetite;
  • alcohol abuse also causes a feeling of hunger and a person sometimes does not even realize that he is eating too much.

Therefore, in order not to become a victim of overeating,Each person should focus on reducing stress levels, normalizing their diet, and cutting back on alcohol. About what other people are prone to obesity, I also wrote in this material. Enjoy reading!