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Why do we need lines on the palms?

Some people still believe thatyou can predict the fate of any person by the lines in the palm of your hand. Such an unusual divination system is called palmistry and is one of the oldest in the world. At the moment, palmists are considered representatives of a pseudoscientific belief. And all because there is no scientific evidence that the drawing on the palm of a person somehow affects his life. But what, then, are the lines on the hands for? Scientists have known the answer to this question for a long time - it is believed that thanks to the lines on the hands, people can freely squeeze and unclench their hands. However, in addition to this, the lines on the palms can indicate that the person has some kind of health problem. So can they really tell something about a person?

Fortune telling is called palmistry.

What is palmistry?

As mentioned above, palmistry is one ofways to predict a person's future. Some palmists claim that the lines on the hand can tell not only about a person's future, but also about his past. Also, the appearance of the hands can help to find out the character of a person. So, at least, many lovers of esotericism, astrology and other practices not proven by science believe. Not a single serious scientific community has recognized palmistry as a science or an art form. But at the state level, palmistry is legally listed in the field of "personal services."

Interesting fact: one of the first palmists in the world was a certain JohnPhilosopher who was also famous for Simon Shearing. But no one knows who he really was - his works were published strictly under pseudonyms.

There are many books on palmistry. But are they worth the money spent?

When exactly did palmistry arise, no oneunknown. But it is mentioned in many historical documents in India. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is in this country that there is a university where they can teach fortune telling. And in the Canadian city of Montreal in 1940, the National Academy of Palmistry was opened, and anyone can go to study there. In ancient times, fortune telling was considered a science taught in educational institutions. Palmists were not liked except in England - there they were considered heretics and burned at the stake.

See also: What happened to the woman who received male hands?

Why do we need lines on the palms?

Scientifically function of the lines on the palmsvery simple. Scientists believe that the distinct lines on the folds of the fingers and palms help the skin on the hands to stretch and contract freely. If they were not there, people would have difficulty clenching their hands into a fist. Not only did pouches form from the skin when the shape of the hand changed, it would quickly wear out. All the same, the hand is considered the most active part of the human body. Every day we pick up objects and perform hundreds of thousands of other tasks, so the wear resistance of the skin on the palms is very important.

You can hardly predict something by the palms

According to the calculations of scientists, the lines in the palm of a personare formed in the womb, about the twelfth week of pregnancy. It turns out that babies are born with lines. Most people have three large lines in their palm. They differ only in location, thickness and depth. Their location and shape directly depend on hereditary factors. Some people have only one fold, but this phenomenon is very rare, in about one in thirty people.

One or two folds in the palm are very rare

Is it possible to identify diseases along the lines of the hands?

Not all, but in some cases one line perpalms may indicate that a person has diseases. Basically, they relate to its development. So, one line on the palm is often found in people with Down syndrome or with the so-called fetal alcohol syndrome. As you know, people with down syndrome have problems with mental and physical development. Fetal alcohol syndrome can occur in children whose mothers have consumed alcohol before and during pregnancy. This syndrome is also characterized by developmental problems.

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More details about all kinds of pseudosciences were written by mycolleague Lyubov Sokovikova. In her material, she said that all kinds of witches and magicians are actively offering their services to people even today. Previously, they were full of them on television, but now they have moved to social networks. You can read more about what pseudoscience is and why real scientists oppose it strictly in this material. Enjoy reading!